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Start importing with DHL

Start importing with DHL

Import Express online

Importing online is easy. DHL Import Express Online gives you full control of your imports – wherever you are, directly – via the Internet. DHL Import Express Online gives DHL account holders the option of allowing either the exporter or importer to prepare shipment documentation.  For superior security, your DHL Import Express account number is kept within the DHL system. It is not visible, nor is it ever visible or forwarded to shippers or third parties.

With Import Express Online you will be able to:

  • Prepare shipment instructions for shippers and manage shipment details
  • Allow the shipper to complete the shipping instructions, print shipment paperwork and generate label and pick-up requests electronically
  • Provide shippers with standing authorizations
  • Approve a shipment request from a shipper
  • View shipment documentation online as soon as it is prepared by the shipper

Once your DHL account number has been active for 24 hours, you can register or request a shipping solution.