
Export medicine out of Malaysia

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Yes, you can. In order to ship non-prescription medicine, you must have NOC (No Objection Certificate) from Drug Administration. Medicine with prescription sent to a company must have NOC from Drug Administration. Whereas prescribed medicine sent to personal name will require prescription matching receiver’s name from physicians for personal use only (max weight: 2kgs). The receiver may need to visit customs if the authority requires.

If you want more information on what DHL Express can or cannot accept, or are unclear about a certain commodity, do not hesitate to contact our Customer Service on DHL Express Facebook page today!

Yes, you can. The importation of personal medicine into Singapore must be accompanied with either one of these document:
a) Prescription issued by a Singaporean Resident Doctor or
b) An email approval from the Singapore Health and Safety Authority (HSA).

The shipper has to indicate on Waybill description as “HSA Approved Medicines” for importation using HSA approval. Shipment without proper supporting documents will risk shipment seizure and destroy by the Singaporean custom.

Medication without prescription is subject to approval from Health Science Authority and receiver must provide product license. Invoice must state name of medicine/drug, brand name, reason for import, product composition, quantity per bottle & weight of each capsule.

If you want more information on what DHL Express can or cannot accept, or are unclear about a certain commodity, do not hesitate to contact our Customer Service on DHL Express Facebook page today!

Importation of over the counter (non-prescription) medication by individuals (B2C/C2C) is prohibited. 

The importation of over the counter (OTC) & prescription medications is strictly controlled. Commercial shipments (B2B) invoices must include the following: 

  1. Precise description of product including form, dosage, generic name, chemical composition & derivation 
  2. Packaging largest to smallest (must be applicable to product) 
  3. Quantity for each level of packaging 
  4. Country of origin/production 
  5. Complete name & address of the manufacturer

If you want more information on what DHL Express can or cannot accept, or are unclear about a certain commodity, do not hesitate to contact our Customer Service on DHL Express Facebook page today!

That will be possible, but according to the Philippines Custom’s requirement, you must attach a laboratory analysis, material safety data sheet or chemical analysis with the supplements or medicine before shipping it out. 

Do take note that if your shipment is heavier than 10kg (22 lbs) & above, you will need clearance from the District Collector of Customs, which might cause a delay on the receiver’s end. 

Please bear in mind that all drugs regardless of (prescription or non-prescription; for commercial purposes, sampling purposes or personal consumption) require clearance from Philipines’s FDA (Food & Drug Administration).

If you wish to bring supplements for personal consumption, you can bring as much as 500g in total without any clearance required from the FDA. However, Drugs or medication that is for personal consumption will require the doctor’s prescription as proof. For more information, you can choose to read the link here to know more about the allowed quantity of medications.